Fri, 03 Jan 2025
Second year running. Officially a streak!
I think a good year. I did a lot of doing the rides I wanted and not a lot of rides for the sake of it.
I did finally manage to nudge over 250km in one ride which has been on the list for a while. One of these things that it’s good to have done but unlikely to be repeated. I’ve realised 200km is the limit of what is enjoyable for me to ride in a day which seems like a good thing to learn.
There were five weeks in the second half of the year with no riding because we were away and I never really got fully going after that which is a shame. The weather in the autumn wasn’t great. That said, I still got out and did some decent rides, it just felt like I was treading water. And then a worse than usual December cold hit and knocked out a chunk of that. I’d normally hope to finish strongly over the Twixtmas period but the weather was very much not favourable.
Once again I would have liked to do a bit more gravel stuff but it’s just that bit more annoying to plan out. The more I do the less I need to plan but if I want to do a decent length ride it’s so much easier to head out on the road bike.
There is something of a theme in that I did ok with the proper camera for the first half of the year and then it too fell off. As with last year I still have not really got a workflow for getting the photos off the camera and sticking them somewhere. I think I should decide not to care about doing much with the photos and just take it as an excuse to enjoy the act of pointing a camera at things.
Not sure this is my fav of the year but it is one I was pleased with. Taken with the phone on the sort of walk that frankly the SLR is just a bit too heavy to carry, or at least for me to want to carry.
One nice thing has been getting a little photo printer. I probably need somewhere to put the photos, ideally a frame that’s easy to swap things in and out of, but even just pinning them to the fridge has been pleasant and a change from everything disappearing into the internet.
The phone got an upgrade so I’ve now got a telephoto lens there which has been good. If nothing else I’ve taken several squirrel photos that would not have happened without it. Another nice thing with the new phone is being able to use a physical button to access the camera which is a significant boon when wearing winter cycling gloves. The days of trying to swipe open the camera with my nose are finally at an end.
More climate things, more crowdsourcing things, including using it for an internal project, and a bit of prodding TheyworkForYou which was a bit of a gear change.
Having mostly been working on small and new codebases I mostly wrote shifting back to a project that’s over twenty years old is always a bit of a shock. I do not think I did my best work there for various reasons not least of which it came at a point when I was just sleeping terribly.
No real big achievements, again with this theme, but lots of small improvements and a chunk of making previously tedious processes that required a developer, I.e. me, self serve which is always pleasing.
As before there is a mostly complete list of books read over the year so you can go look at that for the raw details.
I stalled out a bit on reading in December through a combination of seasonal malaise and actual illness but otherwise it was a pretty good year. Not sure I quite kept up with the incoming pile but the five weeks out of the country mostly reading ebooks from the library didn’t help with that. Although huzzah for ebooks from the library which are just great for travel. Also so much easier to just nope out of a book that cannot physically manifest your misplaced sense of failure at abandoning the story half way through. Especially as if you ignore it long enough the book very politely returns itself so even your virtual shelf is free of guilt.
The definite recommends for the year were The Book of Love, Ink Blood Sister Scribe, which I am still unclear on how to punctuate, Molloy Molloy and the Angel of Death, Catfish Rolling, The Saint of Bright Doors and Frontier. Some Desperate Glory was also good but didn’t quite stick the landing.
I gave up on 6 books and I really should have given up on The Terraformers and The Buried Giant. There former was just a bit too “let me tell you about my research and did you know capitalism was bad?” and the latter just annoyed me.
posted at: 14:35 #